Penampakan Hantu Majalengka Taman Dirgantara

If during this delicate creature elusive human senses of sight, is not the case at hand Andi (34), residents Majalengka.Paling no, that's who he is and some people believe today. Andi admitted photographing fine a creature by accident, during a visit to the Museum Aerospace Majalengka, Sunday (9 / 1).

On the recorded images in the camera cell phone, a creature that resembles a fine little boy with long hair can be seen clearly rests on the fuselage, just below the wing.

Now, picture Andi hand shots that spread widely in the community. Residents generally curious to see what a fine figure of a creature that became a byword.

One Solihin, brother of Andi, said that initially, Andi did not realize that girls who recorded under the wing of a plane that is being refined. At that time, Andi is only intended to photograph her son named Anggi (3) on the plane. But, when his picture so, and Andi watched carefully, then realized that the creature who participated recorded it as he sees no photograph.

"Although initially find it hard to believe, Andi finally convinced if the figure of a child is photographed female guardian spirits Aerospace Museum. Moreover, her son named Anggi have a sixth sense and can see ghosts," said Solihin.

Until now, residents who have a camera phone still vying to download photos via bluetooth service. Many of them believed in him, but not a few who doubt it. Moreover, based on the recognition of Andi, as said Solihin, shooting is done when the museum was empty of visitors.

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