gambar hantu bayi
My grandma ever said to me that children are loved by the ghosts. Absolutely I agree to her opinion. Notice to the child in the photo, her innocent face is touched by hands’ ghost.
This reminds me to a story. I have a 5 years old neighbor, we call him Adek. His mother told me that he likes to chat to himself. When his mother asked him, he answered: “I’m not chat to myself, Mama. Brother Ramon was playing with me, Mom”. His mother ignoring what her son said. Once of a time Adek said “Mommy mommy, what a pity brother Ramon, he doesn’t have legs, Mom”. Off course his mother shocked. She asked to an “old people’ who said that it’s true. Ramon is a child ghost but older than Adek and likes to play with him. It stays on window. Well, I like to have a friend, but I don’t like the invisible one. Will you?

gambar hantu kuntilanak
(Sigh….) Even it’s not my own experience, I always afraid to see such kinds of these pictures. Yeah, definitely it’s a Kuntilanak appearance. I’m sure you can see her in the right side of this picture.

gambar hantu tengkorak
Actually all of my friends in this photo were happy at that time, but they didn’t want to keep this picture anymore after realizing that there is another appearance behind them. The exactly is an appearance of skull.